- The dictator relaxed his grip on several key industries. 这个独裁者放松了对几个关键行业的控制。
- The large financial combines grew to dominate the nation's key industries. 这个庞大的金融集团渐渐控制了这个国家的关键行业。
- A series of policies have been put forward to support and cultivate high-tech key industries at different aspects. 我们出台了一系列政策,从不同的层面对高新技术重点产业给予扶持和培育。
- With its vast territory and huge population,our country can't get along without some large key industries. 我国国家大、人口多,没有一点大的骨干工业是不行的。
- It is time that the government realized that electronics,not ship-building,is one of Britain's key industries. 现在,政府应该认识到,英国的主要工业之一是电子而不是造船。
- The oligarchs hammered out a secret deal that would enable them to acquire key industries at a knockdown price. 寡头们达成了一项秘密协议,使得他们能够以极低的价格获取一些关键的企业。
- She perennially assisted the president to put priority on the management of the key industries such as company building and real estates. 她长期协助总经理重点抓好公司建筑、房地产等核心产业的经营管理工作。
- Our company award automotive-electrical industrialization fund from NDRC in 2004 and 2005. 2004年、2005年分别获得国家发改委汽车电子专项产业化资金资助。
- Key industries for R&D include ICT, food, paper, chemicals, petroleum, transport equipment, electrical equipment and biotechnology. 研发的主要产业包括:高科技通信技术,食品,纸业,化工,石油,交通工具,电力工具和生物科技
- We will focus on developing large grain production bases, and on promoting reform, reorganization and technological upgrading in key industries. 重点加强大型粮食基地建设,推进重点行业改革重组和技术改造。
- It is not difficult to see that the increases Zhongfu Industrial Fund, brokerage, capital and other multi-role forces results. 不难看出,中孚实业的上涨是基金、券商、游资等多方力量共同作用的结果。
- Doing marketing report with the Digital-entertainment-product-line Director,Responsible &in charge of key industries BD. 协助数字娱乐产品线市场拓展总监做市场调查和分析并负责分管关键行业业务拓展。
- Companies like Chery Automotive will probably become public companies and provide rich rewards for private equity investors Bohai Industrial Fund and CDH Investments. 象奇瑞汽车这样的公司可能会成为上市公司,并会给私募股权投资者如渤海产业基金和鼎晖投资提供了丰厚回报。
- This case lasted for 2 years more with differenced in the lines, which implied, China made more restrictions upon key industries where acquisition by foreign funds happened. 凯雷并购徐工案历时二三年,可谓一波三折。
- In key industries, workers have been rebelling against their unions, refusing to strike and settling for smaller wage increases than they have accepted in years. 在一些要害产业部门,工人反抗了工会,拒绝罢工,妥协于小量的增加工资,而增加的数额比他们过去多年来所接受的都少。
- ULTRALINE has established itself as a major supplier to a number of key industries for rodless cylinders and offers a real alternative to high cost magnetic sensors . 欧特灵公司主要产品定位为工业生产提供系列无杆气缸和磁力感应器。
- The cultural industry has been one of the key industries in developed countries. 文化产业已成为世界经济中的支柱产业之一。
- SECG members include leading technology companies and key industry players in the information security industry. SECG成员包括信息安全行业的一些领军技术公司和密钥行业成员。
- Study of Self-Control Industrial Fund Company 对中国自我管理型产业基金公司的探讨
- China has already put the display industry as a key industry to support, and FPD is the most important part. 中国已把显示产业作为国家重点产业来扶持,FPD更是其中的重中之重。